Honeywell Face Shield
Honeywell Turboshield provides unparalled comfort for longer wear, the easiest visor exchange system available and optimal safety and balance. Honeywell Turboshield is perfect for those who are exposed to falling or flying objects, impact, splash, UV and airborne debris. Honeywell Turboshield can also be comfortably worn with most goggles, respiratory protection and hearing protection. Supervizor visors will also work with Honeywell Turboshield!
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Safety Update
Work SafelySpecialsPPE (Personal Protective Equipment)Tips & Tricks
Safety Update: Episode 6
Veiligheidshelmen en -schoenen / Safety shoes and helmets
Safety Extreme
SpecialsPPE (Personal Protective Equipment)Tips & Tricks
Safety Extreme: Episode 5
Diepzeeduiken en Fly boarden / Extreme Diving and Fly boarding
Safety Update
Work SafelyReal Estate SecuritySpecialsPPE (Personal Protective Equipment)Tips & TricksGas & Fire
Safety Update: Episode 1
Gas & Fire Detection